
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby Got Back Splash

I think one of my favorite parts of remodeling a kitchen is adding some WOW to the backsplash...Alot of times I am working on other parts of a clients house and I see a BORING backsplash and I talk them into adding some WOW like these...




(Hmmm this looks nice...)

(I think we have a winner...)

(Just installed, bad phone pic though...)

(Wish I had a better pic of this backsplash, it's gorgeous in person)

The granites remained the same along, with the appliances and cabinetry as well. 

Simple but impactful and usually it doesn't cost alot to tackle something like this either.  I personally like "shiny" ie: glass on a backsplash, they look particularly gorgeous with under cabinet lighting.

What kind of backsplash do you have, boring or WOW?


  1. I live in an old house with a crazy old kitchen so there's not really a backsplash at all, just the wall. Which happens to be really awesome (actually not that awesome) wood paneling. Ideally, when I have the money, I'm just going to gut the entire thing and start over. It's beyond help at this point :)

  2. If you get a chance look a it is great for back splashes! It is highly versatile and can be made into almost any design

  3. Great backsplash! I like the caramel colors!

  4. Thank you for sharing your insight into how you can brighten up a kitchen by adding a back splash. Some may find inspiration to add something of this nature to their own kitchen.

  5. What a difference! From boring to beautiful... Great work! P.s. Great pendants hanging in the kitchen!--Where are those from?

  6. So pretty. When we redid our kitchen 10 years ago, I agonized over tile for the backsplash. Picked a very nice, yet boring tile. Would love to change it!

  7. Beautiful! Since I'm renting I can't do much of anything, but the house at least has lots of bold color. I love backslashes too. Probably because I custom paint / carve them. It's a thing.
    Love your work.

  8. Best. Title. Ever. And the actual backsplash is pretty awesome, too!

  9. Wow that makes a huge difference! Definitely something I'll be passing onto clients, thanks :) - Cathy Pieroz at Ray White Alexandra Hills

  10. You have done a great job..backsplashes are more than just decorative, they are there to protect the walls from the everyday splashes that are inevitable.

  11. Wow, those are some nice changes. I'm really loving the glass tiles lately as well! Thanks for stopping by & leaving a sweet comment on my blog, BTW. It was great to "meet" you.

    Warmly, Michelle

  12. I love an interesting backsplash but alas ours is quite boring. I'm looking forward to changing that some day!

  13. Hi, you have a nice and interesting page out there it gives a lot of information to make our kitchen look so good as yours. More power to you!

  14. What a beautiful room! I need to put some color to my girls'room! I think I got some ideas now!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love hearing what you think! :)))