
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Euro Bound

Well my Mom and I are off to Europe until the end of the month.  Sooo looking forward to a nice break and some hang time with her.

Here's a pic of my Mom from last month, isn't she cute?

I will be back to blog posting on November 3rd...Yea, November...Can you believe it's right around the corner?  I can't.....The holiday season is almost upon us....

Have a great rest of October and Halloween too....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Coyote Beautiful!

If you don't know this about me as of yet I have a complete and utter obsession to anything shiny ie: glass products.

Sooo of course this came across my desk and though I have yet to use their products, I just had to show you their creativity.

Melissa Paxton is the owner and artist and has been creating fine art in glass for over 25 years.  Her expertise obviously covers the full spectrum of art glass techniques.

They do custom commissions for private residences....Can you even imagine a powder room sink done in one of these?

Okay and for you out there that feel like these are too much, even their solid colored vessels are beautiful....

Coyote Glass Design is located in Salado, Texas..If you are kind of new to my blog,  click here to see when I visited Salado, a cute little artist town.