
Friday, April 1, 2011

Kitchen is Soooo DONE

Well it's been awhile since I caught you all up on this client's kitchen....Here was the progression, Kitchen is Almost Done....Then around the holiday season we were in the thick of it, with a Kitchen is Almost Done - UPDATE.....And then yes I went "ghost". :)  But not for any reason other than my clients have had some personal issues they were dealing with and it was not ever a good time to come over to take Hero "after" shots, until just recently...

I guess the good thing with the major delay is it should feel completely fresh to you all once again....

So without further ado, here are some "befores" and "afters" of the whole kitchen project....

Before:  Faux painter just finished painting this wall...

After:  And for the good of the kitchen that wall had to come down. :)

Before:  Choppy walls, awkward spaces.

After:  Nice, big open space.

Before:  This laundry room, helped make the kitchen really small.

After: Laundry room moved, now not only a bar but a coffee bar right next to it...And lucky stripe extra, a real brick wall from the family room fireplace, looks like I planned it right?  I can't take credit.

Before:  This family needed storage...

After: So we took care of that problem.

Before:  What's there to say, can you think of anything? ;)

After:  We kept the price down by keeping the ovens

Before:  This was on the other side of Before picture #1 at the top.

After:  I didn't have a head on picture of the sink area but here is a photo that hopefully gives you an idea of how it looks now.

Before:  See that wall over to the left...Gone. :)

After:  Just a slight difference

Oh and my clients still love their kitchen...The newness hasn't rubbed off yet...

I would love to hear your comments about this kitchen remodel.


  1. Looks like the goal was accomplished! More space w/o walls and more storage....Excellent! No wonder they love it! :)

  2. WOW, wow! Just beautiful...

    visiting from SITS, have a great day!

  3. Dropping in from SITS!

    WOW! That's amazing. I love how many cabinets you have! I think that's the problem with most kitchens...hardly any cabinet space! I would love to cook in here. :)

  4. Gorgeous! Love the tall cabinetry in the last pic!

    Stopping by from SITS,

  5. I love what was done to this kitchen; there is so much storage and space! Beautiful!

  6. Beautiful! My in-laws could have used your advice when building their house LOL! - they took what you just did ( similar to their old house) and made it what that house was... go figure.
    Here from SITS

  7. Nice! I like the earth tones of brown. I've always wanted something like that for the kitchen with really unique accents. Thanks!

  8. Amazing transformation! The color of the cabinets made the kitchen look neat and spacious. Well done :)

  9. Hi from SITS! Great work!! love the color schemes!

  10. This is so great! What a lovely remodel!

  11. What a fantastic space you've made and then designed a brilliant kitchen to fit it. I love it.

  12. Really Nice Decorated kitchen! I think kitchen Is the most important Parts of Any home! And you prove it by your post!
    full queen outlast blanket white

  13. Great looking kitchen remodel. You should be very proud of your achievements with this one. Has a contemporary look but would still feel traditional.

  14. Decoration is one of the best art by using decoration we can change the whole thing look of home or office i think interior play very iportant role in decoration,,,

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  15. Absolutely amazing job. Love everything you did. Great pictures and such an inspirational blog.

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  16. I LOVE this kitchen! In a past life I was an interior designer too and I know that there is SO much more work that goes behind the scenes - it all looks so easy in the final product! Great photos too, really shows off the "before" and "after"! So glad SITS featured you!

  17. Gorgeous! I always wonder how people who knock down walls have the guts to actually do it :)

  18. Looks like they had a kitchen similar mine- small and awkward. Great job! Happy SITS day!

  19. You did a fabulous job Marie. So spacious and beautiful. Luv it.

  20. This is the kitchen of my DREAMS! Oh the island, cookbook storage - stunning, absolutely stunning!

  21. I'm sure they'll be happy with that kitchen remodel for a long-time to come. We gutted our kitchen a few years ago and absolutely love it!

    Hope you are having a great SITS day!

  22. Looks wonderful. I love the white cabinets.


    Happy SIts from Mommacan

  23. Love it Love it Love it
    This is the color I want to paint our formal living room and seeing it on walls has sparked my excitement. It's going to look so lovely.

    The kitchen is absolutely amazing! Great job!

  24. This is a really lovely redesign! It's amazing what taking a few walls down can do, right? Also, happy SITS day!

  25. I think it looks gorgeous! Did it take a really long time to do all that?

  26. Visiting from SITS and I'm a huge fan of home design! I love how you opened up the spaces ... I have a wall that really needs to come down, or at least made into a knee wall, to open up the kitchen.

  27. Open space and lots of places to hide their stuff. Perfect.

  28. I would love a kitchen like this ~ so open, bright, great storage and a touch of class with the brick!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love hearing what you think! :)))