
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Master Makeover is Complete!

Well I meant to get this out sooner rather than later but we had an issue with one of the table lamps that has now been corrected.

Remember this room?

If you want to read the back story and see more "before" pics check that out here.  But for all of you who are eagerly awaiting the completed room, here it is.....

Of course we aren't totally done, because even though they still don't want a duvet cover they would like some king shams to cover up their sleeping pillows....We are going to have them made in the same fabric as the valance, my client LOVES that fabric.

We made it all work quite beautifully don't you think?

One of the stunners of the bedroom are these beautiful, handcrafted crystal finials from Orion Ornamental Iron.....

They almost have a rainbow of color in them depending on how you look at them.  The hubby was afraid at first, thinking they may be way over the top, code word, "girlie" but the wife tells me that he looks at them quite often and says how "cool" they are.

If you like them too they come in many shapes and sizes...

Do you like the extra drama created with the crystals?

I love it when we finish a clients room/home and they not only love it but they want to show everyone who walks in the door of their home, that makes me feel good, my work here is done...Well except for those king shams we still need to make. ;)


  1. It looks great, Marie! I love the window treatment and those lamps. I think this is a master bedroom that works for both the husband and the wife.

  2. Marie,
    Amazing window treatment!! Beautifully done!!

  3. Great Job!!! Love all of it....You are truely a master!

  4. LOVE the headboard Marie, and the window treatment is very tailored, polished. Amazing what a seat cushion and bolsters did for that furniture too.

  5. Great job Marie! Love the headboard and like everyone else, the window treatment. The crystal finials are a wonderful, classy surprise.


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