
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Buckle In

The very first showroom I walked by on opening day at Market was Phillips Collection.  What caught my attention the most were these unique seats!

They feel like seat belts and are oooohhhh so comfortable to sit and lounge in, which I did both of. ;)

I love all the color choices they had to offer but I think my favorite (and probably least practical) is the white....

I could've rocked in this chair all day and been perfectly content, but I had work to do so  I had to keep moving.


  1. Very Cool! What are they made of?

  2. I love them, but I love modern. My mother would make the ugly face.

  3. These are made from seatbelt material. :)

    My Mom was with me at Market and doesn't like modern either but then she sat in them and her ugly face went to happy, ha!


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