
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Urning for a Home Urinal?

Ewwww gross, I know....

But why not?

Let's think about this for a minute....We women wouldn't ever have to worry about falling into the toilet again because someone forgot to put the seat down.... ;)

Now yes they really only work in larger bathrooms because quite frankly who wants it by the soaking tub, ugh, the horrors!

I think mom's would love these for their sons bathrooms, maybe it would keep the floors drier...I am just saying... ;)

It's good for our environment, because you can get waterfree urinals and save thousands of gallons of water each year or even if you get them with water, they still use less water per flush than your standard toilet.
So I am not recommending these by any means, but I am intrigued...If you want to see some other home urinal designs, check out Style Estate's blog. They too just posted a blog on home urinals, must be something in the air.....

Do share your thoughts here, thumbs up or thumbs down...?


  1. Thumbs up, way up! This is one of my pet topics in fact.

  2. Way cool. Way strange. A great idea that I would not want to be famous for. ;)

  3. Hey, whatever we can do to conserve water. I like both the most minimal ones with hidden plumbing and the over-the-top "Patron" models.

  4. I would LOVE to have a home urinal but please advise how I could EVER get my wife to agree. Maybe one in the garage!

  5. Thumb somewhere in the middle. Although on second thought, a urinal would put an end to hubby's drips down the front of the toilet... how he can miss aiming into a hole that big, I have no idea!! If he drips down the front of his urinal, that's his problem to deal with!!

    So, maybe thumbs up after all... but it has to be a good looking one!!

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  6. Wow! That is the best home urinal I ever saw. The designs are so unusual for home urinals. I want to have last urinal. I love the design and especially the sword.

  7. Very strange, however I'll put my money on it that there is a market for it!

  8. I have a husband and two boys, and when we moved the bathroom, we put a urinal in the corner of the laundry room right by the back door. Thought my husband was crazy but my bathroom floor was MUCH cleaner and the area around the urinal isnt messy as you might think. I give it a thumbs up based on experience. No more "left up" toilet seats either! Now if we could just get them to CLEAN their own urinal!

  9. Wow! That is the best home urinal I ever saw. The designs are so unusual for home urinals. I want to have last urinal. I love the design and especially the sword.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love hearing what you think! :)))