
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Red, White & Blue

I was trying to think of a red, white and blue theme for this special day in America and realized that the White House has a "Red Room", a white room (really the State Room) and a "Blue Room", I never tied that together before, have you?

I hope you all have a FUN and SAFE 4th of July, any fun plans you want to share here in my comments section? Would love to hear about them.


  1. great post! what a great way to find red, white, and blue rooms!

    my family and I are spending the day with my parents then later tonight we hope to catch some fireworks!

    Have a fabulous 4th!

  2. Beautiful and very appropriate way to show how red, white and blue are tied into our country! Happy 4th of July!

  3. I didn't realize that either - thanks for not only bringing that to attention, but for showing these beautiful rooms off!

  4. Thanks so much for your sweet comment over at my blog--I adore yours too! Hope you're having a great weekend :)

  5. What a fun idea to show these red, white, and blue rooms! Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend. Monday came a little too quickly for me...

    Your blog is beautiful! :-)


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love hearing what you think! :)))