
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Congratulations Turquoise!

My love affair and earliest memory of turquoise began when I was a child.  My Grandma had a charm bracelet with her 6 grandkids represented by their birthstones on each charm and mine was a beautiful blue...Turquoise, see (blurry) picture below...My Mom has this now and took this picture with her camera phone, but at least the turquoise pops, ha!

Well anyway, turquoise was just selected from Pantone as the 2010 color of the year!

I apparently am not the only one who is in love with this color, check out House of Turquoise for more inspiration with turquoise, Erin has it bad but it's all sooo good. ;))))

And lastly, here are some pictures of some of my favorite vacation's....Do you see a theme?

How do you feel about turquoise? Love, hate or indifference?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday Celebration!

(These 10' angels were everywhere in the small town of Salado, Texas).

Well tis the season...It was my birthday on Monday, Pearl Harbor Day, and to celebrate, my hubby and Calvin explored Texas with me last weekend.  First, they took me to Salado for the day, it was beautiful but COLLLDDD out....

(This was taken out of my sunroof, I looked up and saw this, wasn't the sky beautiful?)

(This was the outside of a little shop beautifully decorated for the season.)

The next day, they took me to San Antonio for a couple of days to be spoiled there, we had a great time walking around and exploring...

(This is the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio isn't the tree pretty too?)

(This was the tree over at The Alamo, funny thing I didn't even see the ornaments on this tree until I took the picture.)

I have about 5 half written blog posts, I just haven't had time to finish them up and now that my birthday is over Christmas is definitely right around the corner now.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE the holiday season but it just doesn't work so easy for working full time and having complete thoughts to my blogging, am I the only one out there with this problem?

Oh and before I go here are some hero shots of Calvin posing for us, had to share....To refresh your memory here is another blog posting on Calvin.

(Calvin was such a good boy posing for this photo, he was leashless and just sat there, isn't he gorgeous?)  ;)

(Tired of all the shopping...Outside of a store in Salado.)

(Here he is on our hotel balcony with the sunlight just right.)

Sooo back to work I go, I hope you enjoyed sharing a little bit of my birthday celebration.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Laundry Time

Last Monday in the middle of doing laundry my washer freaked out with wierd noises and stopped in mid spin leaving my clothes wet and full of water.  I closed the lid and tried to figure it out to no avail.  I called for service and they showed up on Tuesday, they only spent 5 minutes looking before they told me the bad news....It will cost more to fix it than replace it.  I was freaked out needless to say....

When I bought my Whirlpool Calypso 8 years ago it was touted as the washer to have and for $1,200 I expected that.  I know people who have had their washers for 20+ years so come on wasn't it safe to assume that my 8 year washer had more years in it than that?  It was HE and had the Energy Savings already.  It was a top loader which I personally love, etc. etc.

Well after much snooping around like a crazy woman...As in ALL day Wednesday (day before my guests came and day before Thanksgiving) I finally decided to give in and just get the LG washer AND dryer front loaders which were rated very high and I basically stole ($682.22 for everything) thanks to Black Friday offers being offered before Friday.  So even though timing wasn't sooo great with guests coming it was price wise a great time to buy.

Replacing an 8 year old clothes washer alone will save more than $60.00 in electricity costs and nearly 5,000 gallons of water per year, for more energy saving tips check them out here at AHAM.

So not only did I get a GREAT price for my washer and dryer, BUT in our town we get an energy rebate back of $100, yeah!

My guests left on Sunday, my appliances were delivered yesterday and I have been washing ever since. They make a goofy little song at the end of a cycle but otherwise I am really liking them and here is a plug for Sears....They ROCK!  I haven't ever purchased from Sears before but now will for everything, painless on so many levels and pleasant too.  Whirlpool could care less about me even after I found out about a class action suit against my 8 year old washer...Oh well, their loss.

I didn't ever think a washer and dryer could make me this happy, what has become of me?  Would a new washer and dryer make you happy?