I saw this great looking dog statue in
Horchow and immediately thought about my dog, Calvin...
Sooo I went outside and asked Calvin to pose like this dog....He is very coachable....
But then he got bored and laid down....
I couldn't stop laughing so I went over and sat him back up and he looked at me like this and I realized that having a real dog is soooo much better than that statue.
Now that this is posted he would like his Sunday to be filled with walks, love and treats just like any other day but more of it. How can I say "no" to this face?
beautiful dog!
How cute! The things they put up with from us!
Wow he is soo cute...yep how can you refuse him!
Cute dog. Love his expressions.
How fun!!!
Your dog is adorable:)
Have a great week! So glad to find your blog!
Off to read some more...
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